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About Us

Evangelistic Ambassadors is a small group of people dedicated to spreading the Gospel, and preaching God’s word in its entirety.

We are not pastors, ministers, or priests, but rather lay people who are simply and sincerely attempting to save souls and enrich the spiritual lives of all church members, regardless of denominational affiliation.

Never before in history have there been more Bibles and more means of communicating the Word of God than today. Yet there have also never been so many unsaved souls and uninformed church members. Consequently, these online Bible studies, sermons and testimonies are an attempt to “Contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints” (Jude 3).

No book has been more hated, despised, and distorted than the Bible. In many places it is outlawed, condemned and vilified. And where it is not denounced, it is often neglected, misinterpreted, or tortured to promote heretical beliefs, or spawn cults, or to shake down people for money.

Our desire is to provide a Biblical resource that dares to give the full counsel of God, free of charge and without promoting or attacking any church or Christian denomination. Our aim is to edify and encourage all Christians regardless of which church they attend.

These studies are meant to save those who are lost and to minister to those who cannot or do not attend a church. They are informative and hard-hitting. They exalt Jesus Christ and God’s Word and do not dilute the words of scripture with a social gospel of prosperity or humanism or moral inclusiveness. They challenge people to take God and their lives seriously. 

In short, we provide these studies as an attempt to carry out the command of the apostle Paul when he wrote the following:

“I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: preach the word, be ready in season and out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.” -2 Timothy 4:1-4

Should you be blessed by John’s teachings, we encourage you to inform others of this unique and freely available resource.

Who We Are

Evangelistic Ambassadors is a Christian outreach that is both non-profit and tax-deductible. There are no paid staff members and there is virtually no overhead. EA is supported almost entirely by board members who are lay people with full-time jobs.

What We Do...

Girl Using Laptop

Evangelistic Ambassadors sponsors two online Bible studies, both of which are taught by layman John Hunt.


The Bible studies on this website are recorded at a Bible study at a local church in Rocklin, CA. The studies are recorded, edited, and administered by John Hunt.


In addition to this website, Evangelistic Ambassadors has another site, This site has an audio study for every chapter of the Bible. These studies were all held in John's home, and were recorded, edited, and administered by Kevin McGuire.

Online Bible Studies

World Peace

Support Missionaries

With donations given through this website, EA has been able to provide support to various missionaries around the world. We have supported missionaries in the US, India, East Asia, and Mexico.


Engage the Lost

In the past, God has used Evangelistic Ambassadors to conduct spiritual retreats for the least, the last, and the lost. To date, EA has hosted 48 retreats that have helped hundreds of people make God the first priority in their lives.

After four decades of reaching the lost through these retreats, God made it clear that while they were effective in the past, he was leading us to reach people in a different way moving forward. Today, we concentrate our efforts on written and recorded materials that help people of all backgrounds get the most out of God's word. 

We are dedicated to making our resources freely available to anyone who has a desire to grow in their relationship with God and their understanding of the Bible.

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